Rx Quality Engine
The enormous amount of data that is generated in healthcare is used by Anatomics to design patient-specific therapies that can be manufactured with infinite specifications. Such devices, drugs and prosthetics are personalised by Anatomics to match the patient rather than having the patient conform to 'off the shelf' products. Without a doubt, patient-specific therapies and devices reduce cost and improve efficacy.
By analysing the ever-increasing amount of patient data it is now possible for Anatomics to accurately define the individual by an ever-smaller number of demographic and morphological characteristics. For example, by entering a number of variables such as age, gender, race, weight, height, blood group, bone density etc. the Anatomics analytic algorithm can almost exactly predict the shape and size of the prosthesis that an individual may require. Anatomics is squeezing the 'bell curve' to fit the individual so that an 'exact match' can be designed by trained and certified Anatomics engineers and then manufactured.
As iteration occurs through the Anatomics process new therapies are continuously designed. Each therapy is validated and verified using Anatomics computer simulation and analysis. The Anatomics 'process based quality system' measures each therapy and generates outcome data. This data is used to continuously feedback into the quality process to improve the next person's therapy according to previous outcomes.
The Anatomics platform enables doctors to interact with biomedical engineers online, at any time, and from any country. Digital design, simulation and validation can be efficiently performed in real-time to create medically designed and patient specific devices, prosthetics, and instruments. Once a doctor has approved a design the solution can be immediately manufactured in their own hospital by trained and certified staff within hours to the highest quality standards.
Now hospitals and healthcare facilities can collect patient data and manufacture their own solutions at 'cost price'. At the same time, efficiency is improved and waste minimised. Employment opportunities are made within the community in manufacturing and service delivery. Communities are enabled to deliver the individualised healthcare solutions that are culturally relevant.
Anatomics reduces the requirements for wasteful inventory, logistics, and marketing. Advanced additive manufacturing technologies now enable distributed community-based manufacturing. With Anatomics patient-specific products waste and non-compliance are virtually eliminated. Internet and cloud computing allows Anatomics data collection and analysis to occur remotely.
The Anatomics ISO 13485 quality system applies to the entire process to manage risk for the physician, the hospital, and the patient. Efficiencies created by this technology reduce inventory, logistics, and sterilisation costs while simultaneously reducing waste and errors. These savings are passed on to insurers, government, patients, and the environment. Reimbursement revenue can now be returned to local communities to sustain affordable healthcare and create jobs and opportunity.